the song and dance of battles vs blessings – a lesson from the seashore

the song and dance of battles vs blessings – a lesson from the seashore

Gamziavo! That was my father’s second favourite mantra. Mr. Gamziavo, as he told us the story, was a stoic who puzzled all the villagers. He always seemed unnerved by happenings around him. While others rejoiced, he stood aloof.  When others cried, he remained unaffected. Why was he like that? According to Mr Gamziavo there is…

the dilemma of saving a life – The Christmas Story

the dilemma of saving a life – The Christmas Story

The law was clear on adultery: stone both parties. (Leviticus 20:10). Eventually, patriarchal enforcers flipped it to – stone only the female. Father-in-law Judah, without blinking, passed the sentence on his widowed Daughter-in-law. (Genesis 38). The Pharisees swiftly sentenced the woman caught in adultery (John 8 ) So why did Joseph spare Mary? Instead of…

Letting The Cancer Fester 2

Letting The Cancer Fester 2

You can click here if you missed part one…….. and if they were active in church, temporarily relieved of any duties until they served out the suspension period.  If you refused the discipline, you were ex-communicated. Nevertheless, before that suspension stage, you would have had warnings. Warnings given privately at those face-saving meetings held with you….