This guy I follow. The baddest of Influencers.
I call him Mr Loco. Because he is very weird.
Met him offline before online became a thing. Very vociferous. Spares no one. Bucks the trend. Delights in annoying the establishment.
“I do not care for my life. You are going to kill me anyway so I might as well say it as it is”
As he stirred up more ruckus, his following grew. His followers got into arguments and fights. Became Voltrons, the defender of his Universe.
“Stop defending me. I can take care of myself” he cautioned restraint
Mindset upgrades. Lifestyle switches were his mantra.
How to think/do/be better were all his teachings.
As his Goodwill soared. He also accrued resentment and hatred.
The competition did not like him. Like we say in Nigeria, he was pouring sand inside their garri (frustrating their schemes) and needed to be taken care of.
Therefore, the law of in the face of a common foe enemies become friend was activated.
A hit was commissioned on him. It would be an inside job.
“We would protect you afterwards” the hitman was reassured
A lie it turned out eventually. Because after he carried out the hit, they turned their backs on him. And he committed suicide.
And Mr Loco?
Of course they killed him. Then they rued the day they did. Because his Influence and following then spread like wildfire
So viral even the #covid pandemic was child’s play. Trans frontiers, transcending social strata and demographics, his fame soared.
And lives changed.
If you have guessed who this is by now, let me know.