of shame & shape-shifting

“I will give you double for your shame”

Isaiah 61:7a

I always see this promise of God as being spoken to women

The gender more receptive to shame.

Shame for things done to her

Shame for things done by her

Shame for the same things a man preens over

A woman is naturally a receptacle hardwired with lots of receptors. Whatever is poured into her spreads and multiplies geometrically. Even if she denies it.

Those receptor cells in her unfortunately become inhibitors too in the case of shame.

A woman is conditioned to second-guess herself. Also to blame or despise herself for being used

So she compensates by hiding away or making herself small. At least when unobtrusive she could be ignored and left alone. A wishful thinking.

Fluidly pliable; her shape changes as she responds to her environment’s external stimuli

Nonetheless, some rise up to become aggressors and takers. And oh, when a receptacle morphs into a spout, anyone around her is in trouble. She spews and pours everything stored in her over the years plus more.

Then again, she is shamed for being a survivor

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