Amir stirred in his sleep as the intensity of the knock on his door increased.
“Hussein, my lord” his head housekeeper responded
“What is the matter?” a panicked Amir was glancing at the timepiece on his wall
“There are people outside to see you”
Amir stood up, crossed his courtyard and as he opened the inner gates, there at his threshold stood a group of his fellow councillors. A glance down the road showed another group of locals armed with weapons
“it is time,” Cephas intoned gravely. He was Amir’s colleague at the City Hall
Comprehension dawned. He quickly went back to put on his regalia and they left. Destination was one of the parks across town. Sandwiched in between them was a man Amir despised. An unscrupulous man he had had dealings with a few times despite being on an opposing camp. His office had actually signed out some funds for this same man last week. After long weeks of planning, The group needed to make sure he kept his part of the bargain and not bail on them at the last minute.
As they approached the Park, the man stepped forward and took the lead. He led the group into a
corner of the Park where another group lay stretched out on benches sleeping. Their approach
roused the sleeping group who on noticing one of their own with the Town leaders and crowd were confused.
However, their confusion was short-lived as their teammate walked past them like a robot further towards the Park and directly into their leader. Customarily, he embraced him with the three kiss-on-the-cheeks greetings while identifying him with his title of Rabbi.
And with that singular act, Judas accomplished his purpose.