The current #nsppd7amfireprayers promo on #inanimate objects has me feeling funny.

A bit of context here; #NSPPD is the world’s largest online prayer platform. Sessions hold daily where hopefuls across the Globe plug in. The Convener operates under the Prophetic gifts of Word of Knowledge and Wisdom. Feel free to research it further.

Let me explain that the feeling for me is not surprise at Inanimate objects coming alive. I have always known and experienced that.


The bewilderment for me is seeing the length of time humans keep objects around. I have seen ranges from 2 -19 years! And that is from Africans of all ages and status all over the Globe! I did see a Caucasian the other day though who shared her testimony.

As a minimalist who detests clutter, I operate on the principle of

“If no longer in use or fixable, then give it out”

Moreso as the practice of “Letting go of the old to make room for the new” serves me well.

The same principle which most of us who live abroad benefits from. People leave stuff outside their homes for others who may find it useful.

The Stronghold

Ironically though, it seems habits and culture are strongholds. They simply glue themselves to your visa and passport, then cross the borders with you.

Nigerians have a peculiar habit of clamouring for souvenirs at parties. Irrespective of if they have enough of those items at home. We clamour like kids over pieces of plastics and other inconsequential. This habit cuts across all strata of society. It speaks to a mindset of entitlement. The mindset insists that

“Because I bought your party outfit, then I must take home something. Anything regardless of value”

That mentality is probably why we cluster our homes with items no longer in use. A culture which dreads sunk costs.

Where sunkcost = an expense which you have already paid out but cannot recover.

Known as #retrospective costs too. It is one of the strongholds which keep you tethered to a thing you have long outgrown. Sentimental value. Which is more of a female thing. Men, after all, come equipped with the innate capacity to coldly toss out and replace right away. They discount years of service.

Inanimate Relationships

And this glee across the world. This happiness by Nigerians whose abandoned items now work, has me pissed off.

Pissed at the depth of our #hypocrisy. This self-serving bias. A bias which makes us view our errors as mistakes while that of another person as an intention to malign.

You kept non-functional appliances, despite a new replacement. You find it difficult to toss it out, yet you callously come out here and mock another woman. You shame #annieidibia for clinging on to a structure she began investing in from the age of 15.

Jisie Ike.


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