Sometime in 2023 after I mentioned Online that I was walking the road of Cancer, someone forwarded this WhatsApp message to me.

They said nothing else. I did not need it but I had someone in Nigeria then who did. Figuring it would come in handy I thought of her immediately.

Verifying Accuracy

However, since Chemotherapy did not dry up my brain cells, I activated them and sent a message to the email address. Then got a response that it was a stale message. And that stopped me raising and crashing my contact’s hope.

Meanwhile, I received that message countless times and also saw them in the few groups I was in. I leveraged that knowledge and began to counter the veracity.

In 2024, someone reached out again asking me for help. That they needed a referral to any charity for their family member in Nigeria who was recently diagnosed. They even forwarded that message again. Telling me how they had sent it to their person and blah blah.

Again, I corrected that.

Three Years Later

Is is 2025, this same message has begun making the rounds. AGAIN!!

It is being forwarded thoughtlessly by ‘well-intentioned’ people. I have received about four this weekend alone.

How difficult is it to verify such a sensitive message before pushing it out? There is an email address on there. In addition to a website name. What is the big deal in taking a few minutes to confirm before forwarding it to the person?

If you do care that much, why not be thoughtful enough and spare the person that additional senseless trauma?

Yet, you get angry when the Whiteman claims that you do not read?

Just stop. Stop forwarding this message! IT IS DEAD!

And while we are at it, stop dispensing those baseless advices about what causes cancer. Except of course you have survived cancer.

And yes, this is an angry post!


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